

There are a few different ways you can contribute to the development of Labnote. The easiest way is to simply fork the Labnote repo, add whatever fixes or functionality you would like, and submit a pull request with the changes.

If you are adding new functionality, please be sure to write unit tests where relevant.

If you have ideas or suggestions, but aren’t able to implement them yourself, feel free to contact me, or open up an issue with your idea or suggestion on the Labnote Github repo.

Running tests

The easiest way to run the unit tests for labnote is to create a virtualenv container and run the tests from within there. For example, if you have virtualenvwrapper, you can run:

git clone && cd labnote
mkvirtualenv labnote
pip install -e .
pip install pytest
hash -r

If you already cloned the labnote repo, you can skip the first step above and simply cd to the repo directory.

The hash -r command in the above is needed after installing py.test to ensure that the virtualenv version of py.test is used, and not a system version.

To run the tests for a different version of Python, you can simply create a second virtualenv for that version of Python and repeat the process:

mkvirtualenv --python=python3.3 labnote33

Note that virtualenvwrapper is not needed to run the tests, and the commands for using the base version of virtualenv are pretty similar.

Creating new themes

More on this later…